This was one of those weekends where you got to see everyone that you wanted to see, do everything that you wanted to do, and still manage to relax. On Friday, I met up with two college friends for drinks at Pony Bar and joined my high school friend and some of her co-workers. We ate a late dinner at Brother Jimmy's and finished the night at Doc Watsons. After what felt like a really long week, it was nice to do something low-key but still a lot of fun with some fabulous company.
I hung out with Phil Saturday morning, took Casey out for a long walk, and then gathered with the rest of my family to eat Chinese take out and travel up to Croton-on-the-Hudson for the spring Lightscapes show. Sunday was a relaxing morning where we watched crappy movies on Netflix mixed with Giada Weekly, ate an early lunch of chicken cutlets and the most delicious mashed potatoes that only my mom can make, a quick gym session, and then I got ready to go to Phil's cousins' college graduation party. It was a nice party where we stuffed our faces at the buffet, and I got to wear my favorite high heeled sandals. My poor hair though - it didn't stand a chance against the humidity.
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