September 26, 2013

Daily Snapshot: An Amazing Friend

At the end of last week, my family received the sad news that my grandfather passed away. The outpouring of kind and comforting words from my friends was overwhelming, with one in particular asking me every day that weekend how I was doing and how my family was holding up. It was very sweet and a sentiment that will not be lost on me. This past Tuesday when I came home from an extremely long day of work, there was a package waiting at the door. My grandfather used to get his medication mailed to my mother's attention, meaning that there would always be packages waiting on my door step; the small thrill of seeing a brown box was lost as I learned over a period of time that they were not meant for me. Tuesday evening, on seeing a package wedged between my screen and front door, my first thought was a sad one - finding something for someone that no longer needs it. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was addressed to me. And that it was chocolate covered strawberries and mini-flavored cheesecake treats. And that it was not sent from extended family, work or my parent's friends, but MY friend, with a sweet sympathy note to accompany it. It's hard to put into words how someone's thoughtfulness can make an impact on you, so I'll settle with saying that blessings come in the shape of friendship and that I'm one lucky lady.

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