August 2, 2013

Daily Snapshot: There Goes That

After joining the gym this past Monday, I've been pretty good with my attendance. I went to yoga on Monday, a dance class on Tuesday, took a break on Wednesday, and went to spin yesterday. Spinning was wonderful; it was hard and challenging, especially because my stamina is so low from not working out in, oh, lets just say months, but I was able to keep up and the instructor was awesome. My tush hurts and legs feel like jelly, but I can't wait for the next class and feel super accomplished. And then, today, cupcakes were delivered to my office. And man, am I indulging. Buh-bye endorphins, hello calories. I mean, you can't really blame me - how can one resist the tempting treats that is a cupcake from Sprinkles? YOU JUST CAN'T. It's really not even worth fighting it. Just give in. You'll be better off anyway. There's always tomorrow to spin it off. Or Monday.

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